Making an Older Car Basic Maintenance Schedule

Making an Older Car Basic Maintenance Schedule

Leave this rest area to learn how to maintain your vehicle if you're the proud owner of one that's older and has seen more asphalt than a fresh flower bed. If you want to keep an older car on the road for longer, you'll need to give it a little extra care. For years to come, keep it operating smoothly by adhering to this car maintenance schedule.

Check for fresh puddles on the ground beneath your car before taking it for a drive. This is known as the routine fluid check. Early detection and repair of leaks can save costly vehicle damage. When you refuel, it's a good idea to check your fluid levels and replenish them as necessary.

Tyre pressure: Don't forget to check your tyres' pressure when you fill up. Maintaining proper tyre pressure prolongs tyre life and reduces the risk of unexpected blowouts while driving.

Check Every 3,000 Miles Or Every Three Months

Oil Change: Depending on the condition of the vehicle, older cars may require oil changes more frequently than every 3,000 miles. Aiming for an oil change once a month is advised by some experts.

Air Filter: Maintaining a clean filter keeps your motor from working harder than necessary while ensuring that the engine receives enough airflow to improve performance and fuel efficiency.

Battery Inspection: It's time to have your battery serviced by a mechanic if you find that the cables attached to it have corrosion on the terminals or cracks in them.

Examine Every 6,000 Miles Or Six Months

Brake Inspection: You should have your brakes inspected and your tyres rotated at least twice a year. If you put off replacing your brake rotors and pads for too long, you risk costly repairs and brake failure.

Wheel Alignment: Your car's wheels are most likely misaligned if you notice it pulling to the right or left while you're driving, which will cause uneven tyre wear.

Cooling System: To avoid your car overheating and seriously damaging the engine, it's best to replace the necessary parts if you see cracks in your radiator, hoses, or low coolant levels.

Every 12 Months Or 12,000 Miles, Check

Plugs for Sparks: Get your plugs cleaned, inspected, or replaced once a year to enhance engine performance and fuel economy.

Exhaust System: Excessive noise and pollution may be caused by leaks, rust, or damage. Blockages may also result in decreased gas mileage or engine efficiency.

Verify as Necessary

Older cars either have a chain or a timing belt; if your car has a timing belt, it needs to be changed more frequently. To prevent engine damage, see your owner's manual for recommended replacements.

Transmission Service: Depending on how often your car is used, you should think about getting the transmission fluid changed every 30,000 to 60,000 miles.

Preventing Rust: Because older cars were constructed using galvanised steel, they are more vulnerable to rust. To stop additional corrosion, give rust-prone areas regular cleaning, treatment, and painting.

Interior Maintenance: Protectants and regular cleaning will help prevent fading and damage to the upholstery.

We hope that this basic schedule of maintenance will keep your older car running like a kitten. It might be time to sell your car if it's starting to become more of a hassle than a thrill.

Get a no-obligation FREE car valuation offer from us now, and we can assist you in getting rid of that old car quickly and simply.

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